Who Provides Cleaning Supplies: Your Ultimate Guide

Who Provides Cleaning Supplies: Your Ultimate Guide

In the quest for a spotless facility, the question often arises: who is responsible for providing the cleaning supplies? Do you need to buy cleaning products? What about a vacuum or mop? Where do you draw the line in the sand with your commercial cleaning provider?...
Six Reasons Why Denver HOAs Need Professional Cleaning Help

Six Reasons Why Denver HOAs Need Professional Cleaning Help

For Denver homeowners associations (HOAs), keeping shared spaces clean should be a top priority. But effectively maintaining communal areas like lobbies, recreation rooms, and pools can be daunting without the right help. Relying on your own community members to keep...
Business Cleaning DIY: When It Works and When to Call the Pros

Business Cleaning DIY: When It Works and When to Call the Pros

In a world where cost-saving measures are a top priority for businesses, it’s not uncommon for companies to consider do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions in various aspects of their operations. One area that often falls under the DIY approach is cleaning. While it...
Our Janitorial Service Keeps Denver Churches Shining Bright

Our Janitorial Service Keeps Denver Churches Shining Bright

Places of worship such as churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques all host many people at once. With a high amount of traffic on weekends and a very steady flow of parishioners at other times, the facility will undoubtedly require a dedicated team to sanitize and...