10 Things to Think About When Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company

For any company, maintaining a clean, healthy, and tidy commercial space should be a top priority. However, thorough cleaning takes significant time, effort, and money. Professional janitorial services exist to take this burdensome task off the shoulders of business owners and their staff.

commercial cleaning

Hiring professional cleaners can completely transform your office and workspace environment. Are you debating outsourcing janitorial duties? Here’s what every Denver business owner needs to know about reaping the benefits of commercial cleaning services.

1. First Impressions Matter

The way your business space looks and smells will inevitably affect how customers perceive your brand and company. Dingy floors covered in grime, smudged glass partitions, and overflowing waste bins all convey a sense of dirtiness to incoming visitors. On the other hand, clean carpets, dust-free surfaces, and sparkling restrooms make an excellent first impression.

Outsourcing cleaning tasks ensures every inch of your office is cleaned to meticulous standards daily. This constant tidiness helps customers view your company as competent, detail-oriented, and professional. Don’t let a dirty office tarnish your business reputation.

2. Healthier Employees with Cleaning Company

Just as with your home, a clean workspace minimizes employees’ exposure to harmful bacteria, viruses, mold, and allergens. With a janitorial service sanitizing high-touch surfaces like counters, door handles, and restrooms, you reduce the spread of illness-causing germs. Professional disinfecting protocols also minimize odors and mustiness caused by mold growth. This results in fewer sick days and generally healthier, happier staff.

3. Higher Productivity

When employees must stop their core work to sweep floors, empty trash cans, and scrub the breakroom, productivity falls. Professional cleaners allow your staff to focus their time and energy on business-critical tasks rather than playing janitor. Workers can complete more work each day without mundane cleaning duties eating into their schedules and causing burnout.

4. Time Consuming

For business owners and facility managers, hiring, training, and managing an internal cleaning staff takes significant effort. From sourcing supplies and equipment to scheduling tasks and overseeing quality, in-house janitorial services become your responsibility. The hours spent managing cleaning could be better used growing your actual business. Plus, when you lose an employee, you must restart the entire process of rehiring and retraining a new employee. This never-ending cycle is an endless battle that you will not win.

5. Lack of Specialized Equipment and Training

Professional cleaners invest in industrial-grade vacuums, polishers, and extractors along with high-quality commercial cleaning solutions. They’re trained extensively on sanitation protocols and proper use of supplies. Achieving the same level of cleanliness with your own staff would require purchasing expensive gear and providing ongoing training. Professional janitorial services perform their work safely and in a timely fashion. 

6. Not a Core Competency

Simply put, cleaning isn’t a core competency or a profit driver for most Denver businesses. While some maintenance tasks make sense to keep in-house, extensive janitorial services generally don’t. Outsourcing allows you to re-focus time and money on business functions central to your success. Let a professional cleaning crew handle the dirt and grime. The time you save is better spent on tasks that support your business’ growth.

7. Enhanced Customer Perception

Daily office cleaning and extra services like carpet shampooing make your business space sparkle. Floors gleam, windows shine, and every surface glistens. This high level of cleanliness appeals visually to customers and enhances the perception of your brand. Don’t let dirtiness drag down your reputation. Outsource to a professional cleaning company and keep your business space in tip-top shape. 

8. Reduced Operating Costs

At first, glance, hiring professional cleaners may seem more expensive than using internal staff. However, when you factor in salaries, benefits, training, supplies, and equipment costs, outsourcing often proves more budget-friendly. Janitorial service fees remain stable from month to month, allowing for predictable budgeting. In the long term, you’ll save money by outsourcing janitorial services. Think of it as an investment in your business and your future success.

9. Added Layer of Security

Reputable janitorial companies put crews through stringent background checks before hiring. In addition, cleaners work during off hours when your business is closed so you benefit from extra supervision and security. The regular presence of a trusted cleaning company deters break-ins and theft during vulnerable night hours, or on holidays or weekends. Using a commercial cleaning company secures your assets, ensuring they are under watchful eyes and protected when you are not around. 

10. Check Licenses, Bonding, and Insurance

Before hiring a commercial cleaning company, verify they carry general liability insurance along with bonding. Ensure the commercial cleaning business is licensed in Denver and that workers’ compensation policies are current. This protects you as a client if a cleaner gets injured on the job. If you are working with a cleaning company that is not properly licensed and insured, you may be held liable if an employee is injured on the job. This can be a very costly mistake, and also something that is avoidable from the beginning.  

Keeping your business space clean should never need to be a burden on staff and company resources. Outsourcing to a commercial cleaning service allows you to maintain a professional appearance and healthy environment without the slog of managing in-house janitorial duties. 

At Legacy Construction Cleaning, we offer a range of commercial cleaning services in the Denver area. We can provide you with customized cleaning plans that meet your business needs and budget. Whether you need daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning, we can help.

We are your one-stop shop for commercial cleaning services in Denver. Contact us today for a quote!